Mar 04, 2024ELENA ALDANA

Today is a very special day because a project that I had been working on for many months comes to light... No, years! Years? Yes, it was years ago when I started putting together a MoodBoard with ideas about what I wanted my lifestyle brand to be like one day. Who was going to tell me that day would end up coming.

Or maybe it all started even further back. A friend of mine from school always reminds me that one day, the teacher asked the students what they wanted to be when they grew up and, to narrow down the question a little, it was divided into: civil servants, working for others or being an entrepreneur. Guess who was the only one who raised her hand for the entrepreneur option... Myself, but I think that, at that time, I did it more to contradict others 🤪​

Despite all this, I have not explained what a lifestyle brand is. Basically, it is a concept of way of life, that is, it encompasses an entire way of living, from how you dress or groom yourself to the decoration of your home.

Personally, one of my references has been Ralph Lauren. This great designer began his career, many years ago, designing ties until he reached what he is today: a brand where you can buy clothing for children, young people, men and women, but also accessories, fragrances and even furniture. His style is very marked by North American culture and, more specifically, by the United States; In my case, it has been marked by the places I have lived and those I have visited.

Spain and Portugal are my reference because they are my two beloved countries, where I have lived the longest and where I have come to root myself until I don't want to leave. From Spain I stay with the diversity of its landscapes and its aromas; of all of them, the South has marked me a lot because my roots are 100% from Extremadura and I could never forget the green of its fields and pastures, where I spent so many good moments in my earliest childhood. The flowers of the patios of Córdoba, the perfume of the orange trees of Seville, the summers on the beaches of Granada or Cádiz with my Paco de Lucía and my Lágrimas Negras, the Andalusí architecture of every corner of this wonderful region... And my white houses and my palm trees, from my beloved Azuaga.

For me, Portugal is calm and tranquility. Portugal is the walks through Porto, its bridges and its wines, its parks and its beaches, its green Alentejo and its endless beaches, its North bathed in vinho verde , that Fado de Saudade from better times that penetrates your soul and that guitar...

The colors of its tablecloths, the black of Viana's dresses with its golden jewels, its rooster with hearts, its colored ceramics, its tiles with endless waves that connect me to Rio de Janeiro and there, with samba, bossa nova and the joy of living. The bright Rio colors, the short skirts with ruffles and the Carnival... There is no Rio without Carnival.

Azulejo in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro

I couldn't have created this brand at 20 years old; not only because of the lack of experience I had at that age, but because of the nuances that, over the years (and travels), have enriched me and make me who I am today.

"Innovative design is what distinguishes our brand at first glance from your competitors; quality is what will make customers repeat and sustainability is what will allow us to have a future."

This is how ALDANA HOME arises today 🤩​


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